Sitting in the heart of the Gloucestershire countryside is a dealership that has joined the EGO power revolution. Revill Mowers has been stocking EGO since early in 2015 and instantly started reaping the benefits.
Revill Mowers was established in 2014 by Jason and Russell Revill. Although a relatively new company, both Jason and Russell bring with them a wealth of knowledge from the industry. Jason has nearly 20 years' experience in the lawn mower trade and his uncle, Russell, has been in the industry for nearly 30 years so they are both thoroughly in the know about what customers are looking for.
Jason explains what led them to EGO: “EGO was one of our first acquisitions in early 2015 when we were looking for ‘a product of the future’. We understand that people are after environmentally friendly machines but also that they seem to have less and less time to spend on their garden. We know what our customers are looking for and that is easy to use, reliable machines and EGO products certainly offer that!”
The Revills team first encountered EGO at the Henton & Chattell dealer day where Jason tried the machines and was immediately impressed by the power and battery life. Following this, Revills started stocking EGO and haven’t looked back!
Russell commented: “At first, we did face some skepticism from customers as it was an unknown product but as the EGO brand becomes more renown, and its reputation grows, the products have been flying out of the door! We’ve even had customers coming in saying “my neighbour has an EGO, I want one too!”
To help spread the word Revill Mowers took up EGO’s free demo offer. As part of this, EGO’s product specialist, Ian Boler, and the EGO demonstration van, stocked with all the latest products, attended Revills for two days in March to educate Revills’ staff and customers about EGO’s products and the endless benefits of cordless products.
This free service is available to all EGO Power+ dealers. Alongside this, to help promote all EGO dealer events, we also offer support in promoting the event including targeted Facebook advertising. This will help to spread the word to selected users within a 70km radius of the event in the fortnight in the run up to it. Just another way in which we continue to support our dealers!
“The event with Ian was a great success. It was a fantastic opportunity for our customers to get to know more about the products and we’ve noticed sales increase following it. The event was well attended, which I think was certainly aided by EGO’s promotion on Facebook. It’s a great added service that more manufacturers should consider!”, said Russell.
It just so happened that a representative from the local council attended the event and was impressed by EGO that they are now beginning to replace their petrol kit with EGO products, as noise and vibration reduction for their landscaping teams is a key focus, particularly when working in areas like cemeteries. Another step in the petrol takeover!
“We’re firm believers that battery power is the future of garden maintenance and we are embracing this! We believe that EGO is far superior than other cordless manufacturers on the market.”